Five Mistakes That Could Cause You To Have An Unhealthy Weight During Pregnancy
One of the most important things you need to do when you're pregnant is maintain a healthy body weight. If your body weight gets too high or too low, you'll be more likely to experience complications that could compromise your health and the health of your baby.
The following are five mistakes that it's important for you to avoid so that you can maintain a healthy weight throughout your pregnancy:
Being completely inactive
It can be difficult to stay active throughout pregnancy when discomfort from factors like ankle soreness occurs.
However, staying active and at least walking every day can help you to maintain a healthy weight and avoid gaining too much weight as a result of your pregnancy. Walking is a low impact activity that you should be able to handle in moderation up until the end of your pregnancy.
Failing to restrict yourself on your diet
Many women make the mistake of letting themselves go while they're pregnant. While it's true that you're eating for two and need to maintain a high caloric intake, you should keep track of how many calories you're consuming and make sure you're not eating too much.
Focusing too much on what the scale says
Some women err in the opposite direction and maintain a pregnancy weight that's too low when they focus too much on what the scale says.
You're definitely going to gain weight while you're pregnant and you have to deal with that until your pregnancy is over. If you get too focused on weight gain and attempt to control your weight during pregnancy too much, you could reach a weight that's too low and inhibits the healthy growth of your baby.
Not getting enough sleep
Sleep is important when you're pregnant because it helps your body deal with all the work that it's taking on in creating a new human being.
You may want to get even more sleep than usual while you're pregnant so that you maintain a high energy level throughout the day that allows you to stay active.
Having poor posture
It's important to focus on your posture while you're pregnant. Poor posture can lead to discomfort when you're pregnant because of all the demands being placed on your body. Discomfort and soreness while you're pregnant could make it harder to stay active and limit weight gain to what is healthy.
Pay attention to your posture while you're pregnant and make sure that you're not slouching so that your body can deal with your changing center of gravity. Contact a doctor, like Zeng, Xiao-Mei MD for more help.